This Video quite long aready never go and upload loh so now share with u all
This one also very funny!!
This video is miss ong and some other teachers dancing to the song nobody
I am sure those who were there saw them dance too!
buy very small cause i standing very far aways but still can see that is her !
She very cute de she dance (Hui Min say one)
The video is the first try still got 2 more
This is the second one better aready cause dance more time le ma
This is the last video even better
Than at the below got some boys disturb them very fuuny
they try to follow wat they do!!
The teacher practice if i not wrong will dance on that day de!!
HEY 2n2!
Well done for the game ^^.
Although we didn't win the game but we are the only sec 2 tht got into the finals ok!
Rock on \m/!!
Remember to do your compo ok!
Maths also.
Er, and science worksheet!
Oh N2, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey N2! Hey N2!